About Us

We offer you connections by train, truck or ship.
The Netherlands is a huge producer and importer of fruit, vegetable, plants and flowers. An important part of this is being exported, which offers an impressive potential for rail transport. Feedback from stakeholders such as supermarkets is very positive because they too want to reduce their carbon footprint.

Fresh Rail offers door-to-door transport solutions for retail and the fresh supply chain with rail as main mode of operation.


We believe that the best results are achieved working together with partners.
With COOP Scandinavia we are establishing a new fast train connection between Rotterdam and Denmark/Sweden/Norway/Finland. Coop wishes to take a large part of their distribution from road to rail, with an emphasis on fruit and vegetables. This will reduce CO2-reduction with an impressive 70 to 90%.

The result will be a long-term sustainable solution within the fresh supply chain.

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Main focus

Want to know more about what we can do for you? Please contact Fred Lessing  fl@freshrail.eu or mobile +31 6 50516310. Fresh Rail is working according to the Dutch Forwarding Conditions by FENEX


FreshRail.eu | Weena 690 | 3012 CN Rotterdam | The Netherlands

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